City of Franklin, TN
Home MenuHistoric District Design Guidelines
Within the HPO, the Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines (the Guidelines) provide guidance that supports the preservation of historic resources and ensures compatible design when considering exterior alterations. The Guidelines inform the design review process by outlining contextual considerations and parameters for alterations to the built environment that will be sensitive to the community’s heritage and not result in material impairment to a historic resource or district. The Guidelines address best case preservation theory and practices, which address most situations. While the Guidelines are not regulatory, the Historic Zoning Commission (HZC) has been appointed to consider exterior alterations within the HPO in light of these Guidelines.
The Guidelines have been developed to reflect the intent of The Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (the Standards). The Standards provide guidance on the appropriate treatment of historic properties and are organized into four treatment approaches: preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. Of these, the rehabilitation treatment provides the broadest and most flexible approach.
In addition to the Guidelines, the Standards may be applied to proposals within the HPO, as applicable. The complete list of each treatment’s set of standards can be accessed through the National Park Service website.
Historic District Design Guidelines (Effective May 30, 2022)
Historic Preservation Overlay District Map
Previous Versions for Vested Developments
Development projects that were approved after January 1, 2015 are considered ‘vested’ according to State law. These developments are subject to the plans in effect at the time the project was originally approved. For vesting purposes, previous Design Guidelines are found below:
Historic District Design Guidelines 7-1-2010
Historic District Design Guidelines 10-25-2016