Neighborhood Meeting Notification – Cardel Village
Hello! You are receiving this letter to provide public notice of an upcoming Neighborhood
Meeting for a Development Plan Revision on the properties located at Map 64, Parcels 16.00
and 17.00 which is located in Cardel Village in Franklin, TN. The meeting will be held on
Wednesday, August 7, 2019 at 6:00pm at the City Hall Board Room (109 3rd Avenue S).
Project Description:
The applicant is requesting to relocate the garages for new homes from the back yard to the side
yard for lots 1-11 along the shared boundary of Cornerstone.
Why are you receiving this letter?
The proposed project is within 500’ of your property.
What is the purpose of the meeting?
The purpose of the meeting is to make citizens aware of a revision to Cardel Village PUD and
allow you to engage with the applicant early in the review process. The meeting is meant to
be informative and provide an opportunity to ask questions directly to the developers about
the project. If the project continues with a formal application to the city, it will go through a
Public Hearing process. Please be aware that Public Hearings do not involve a question and
answer session.
Will the project be voted on at this meeting?
No. The neighborhood meeting is for informational purposes only. The project, should
the applicant continue with a formal application, will be reviewed by the Franklin Municipal
Planning Commission (FMPC) and may also be reviewed by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen
(BOMA). Both the FMPC and BOMA meetings will be publicly noticed and will include time for
citizens to speak to the project at formal Public Hearing sessions.
Format of the meeting:
6:00 – 6:10 pm plan
6:10 – 6:25 pm
6:25 – 7:00 pm
informal discussion; time to ask quick questions or take a closer look at the
formal presentation by the applicant to discuss the main points of the plan
question and answer time; citizens will ask questions at a podium so all
in attendance can hear each question
Can you see the proposed plans prior to the meeting?
Absolutely! There is a copy of the proposed plan included with this mailing. If you have any
questions prior to the meeting, feel free to contact the applicant: Their contact information is:
Greg Gamble Gamble Design Collaborative
Email: Phone: 615-975-5765